The Stewardship Lifestyle Seminar will offer teaching sessions that cover Biblical principles and practical applications including:
• What is the difference between a secular and a Biblical worldview of money?
• How can we train the next generation to understand and become better stewards?
• How can I establish a budget that works?
• How can I accelerate a way to get out of debt?
• When should I start saving and investing?
• When can I afford to retire and how much will I need?
• What is a “Christian’s Will”?
• How can I lay up treasures in heaven and invest in the Kingdom of God?
Whether you are just starting out or you are well experienced in your understanding of financial stewardship, this Biblical overview of stewardship will benefit you greatly. I would also like to encourage you to invite your friends and relatives who do not attend our church. This is a tremendous witness for us as Christians to show non-believers that there is relevance in the Scriptures and the ministries we provide. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.