$25 for an individual
If you are not related to the individual/group you are fishing with, please register as separate individuals.
$40 for a family
Family rate is intended to provide an affordable and fun family outing.
Financial assistance available for families; please give us a call if the entry fee is not affordable.
Check-in starts at 6:00 a.m. at the Elk Creek Marina Parking Area. You may begin fishing at 7:00 a.m. The tournament runs from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All contestants must check-in and receive a weigh-in card. *Please note that even if you register online, you must check-in before you begin fishing on the morning of the event to receive your weigh in card. Only teams/individuals that check- in and receive a weigh-in card will be eligible to weigh-in fish and win prizes.
Free hot dogs and chips will be provided at 11:00 a.m. First Baptist church will have a brief presentation at 11:15 a.m. Prizes (including door prize giveaways) will be given out at 11:30 a.m. sharp! You must be present to win door prizes.
Rules: All contestants must have a valid CO fishing license. All local and state fishing regulations apply. Ice fishing only. You may fish anywhere on Blue Mesa Reservoir with safe ice. All fish must be brought to the weigh-in area by 11:00 a.m. Fish can be weighed in any time prior to 11:00 a.m. Fish will be weighed by tournament officials only.
Prizes will be awarded in two categories:
Top winner in most weight (any two fish per individual or family unit but no lake trout, total length will determine winner in case of a tie).
Top winner in most species caught (all species of fish are eligible – except lake trout over 22 inches. At least three different species required to win category. Total length will determine winner in case of a tie.)
Bonus Category: Longest live lake trout. Measurement tool will be provided by tournament officials and lake trout MUST be handled with care and quickly and safely returned to the water! Anyone entered in the tournament (as either a family or an individual) can also opt into this additional side pot for $20 per person. This will be paid in cash during check-in on the morning of the tournament.
Tournament officials will have the final decision regarding all rules and winners. First Baptist Church or Sport Fish Colorado will not be held liable for any incidents or injuries occurring during the tournament.
All registration fees will be awarded in cash prizes.
Cash prize amounts will be determined by the number of contestants.